Thank you for viewing my Reading Resource Page!
Over the course of your real estate transactions as well as after your purchase, I encourage you and your friends/family to use my web page as a source of good information pertaining to home ownership and community involvement. I have created a list of good links to articles in various local publications. I hope these can be helpful for you. Please let me know if you find any articles you think could be helpful for clients and others and I would be happy to post the appropriate links.
Thanks for viewing and enjoy!
Purchasing and selling on a busy street
Portland's Hottest Microhoods–What's up with these little hip neighborhood? WHO-WHAT-WHERE
Portland Business Journal Metro Residential Real Estate Overview-Pdx Metro Market overview
Market Watch Link -Great site for tracking rates and finding out upcoming market reports and release schedules
Portland Police Bureau Home/Vehicle Safety– A Guide to Home and Vehicle Security